Debaseesh Sabat


Thanks for dropping by.
Here's a collection of work I have worked on.
Do feel free to participate in live projects. Your input will shape the design of the product and your time will be deeply appreciated.

Selected Work

Project Parivartan

A self-diagnostic tool for India's largest telecom company using which the customer can diagnose and troubleshoot router connectivity issues and services.

  • Data Analysis
  • Usability Test
  • Information Architecture
Jio Logo


UI design for a fictitious news app. The app lets user customize news based on country and interested topics.

  • UI Design
  • Mockups
  • Figma
newz app Thumbnail


A snack ordering app for a movie theater using which users can purchase snacks for movie tickets bought online or offline. Oh and you get infinite snacks*.

  • UX Design
  • UX Research
  • Prototyping
  • UI Design
  • Sharpen Challenge
Cheesus Thumbnail

Design an account creation flow for a popular video game.

  • UX Design
  • UX Research
  • Prototyping
  • UI Design
  • Sharpen Challenge
Game Consoles and Accessories Thumbnail

Licenses and Certificates

Design Thinking: The Ultimate Guide

This is certificate text.This is certificate text. This is certificate text.This is certificate text.This is certificate text.This is certificate text.

  • Interaction Design Foundation
  • Iterative, user-focused design
  • Rapid Prototyping
  • Holistic and sustainable customer value

Human-Computer Interaction - HCI

This is certificate text.This is certificate text. This is certificate text.This is certificate text.This is certificate text.This is certificate text.

  • Interaction Design Foundation
  • Peak Experiences
  • Intrinsic Rewards
  • Contextual Perspectives
  • Wicked Problems

Data-Driven Design: Quantitative Research for UX

This is certificate text.This is certificate text. This is certificate text.This is certificate text.This is certificate text.This is certificate text.

  • Interaction Design Foundation
  • Quantitative research
  • Screen participants
  • User surveys
  • A/B and multivariate tests

Become a UX Designer from Scratch

This is certificate text.This is certificate text. This is certificate text.This is certificate text.This is certificate text.This is certificate text.

  • Interaction Design Foundation
  • Emotion and experience
  • Design Thinking
  • Visceral, behavioral and reflective processing

Enterprise Design Thinking Practitioner

This is certificate text.This is certificate text. This is certificate text.This is certificate text.This is certificate text.This is certificate text.

  • IBM
  • Collaboration
  • Synthesis
  • Design Research
  • Prototyping
  • Storytelling

Foundation of User Experience Design

This is certificate text.This is certificate text. This is certificate text.This is certificate text.This is certificate text.This is certificate text.

  • Google UX Design | Coursera

Build Wireframes and Low-Fidelity Prototypes

This is certificate text.This is certificate text. This is certificate text.This is certificate text.This is certificate text.This is certificate text.

  • Google UX Design | Coursera

Start the UX Design Process: Empathize, Define and Ideate

This is certificate text.This is certificate text. This is certificate text.This is certificate text.This is certificate text.This is certificate text.

  • Google UX Design | Coursera

Conduct UX Research and Test Early Concepts

This is certificate text.This is certificate text. This is certificate text.This is certificate text.This is certificate text.This is certificate text.

  • Google UX Design | Coursera

Create High Fidelity Designs and Protypes in Figma

This is certificate text.This is certificate text. This is certificate text.This is certificate text.This is certificate text.This is certificate text.

  • Google UX Design | Coursera

How it started

McLaren F1 Papaya Livery Dbranded

  • Illustration
  • Figma
McLaren Illustration

Gym application

  • Prototyping
  • UI Design
  • AdobeXD
Gym Application Mockup

Profile page for social media

  • Prototyping
  • UI Design
  • AdobeXD
Mockup of a page of social media.